Why? Why? Why?

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Why? Why? Why?

Category:Church sign of the week,News



80 children; at least 3 infants; nearly 300 people blown out of the air over the Ukraine.


Over 300 people killed in Gaza; many of them women and children.


Let’s be VERY clear here – God did not do these things. Let me repeat that in big, bold letters…


We will not be pointing fingers at the Almighty – these things were done by humans; conscious decisions were made; actions were taken; lives were taken – by humans.

Some may ask why God allows these things to happen; God can ask humanity the same question – why do we allow this to happen?

Why can’t we be nice to each other? What is it with humanity that makes us want to harm people that don’t think like us, or look like us, or think like us?

love one another – love your neighbour as yourself – do to others as you would have them do to you – love must be sincere. hate what is evil; cling to what is good – love does no harm to its neighbour

The list of these verses goes on and on and on. Love is the major message of the New Testament – God’s love for us and our love for others. These are the things of God. Not missiles and bombs and guns and tanks; not envy and hatred but love.

It is in this spirit of love that we can make a difference.

You and I won’t make a global difference; it’s doubtful we’ll even make an international difference; I think that making a national difference is a stretch but we can make a local difference. In the place where we live, in the spaces that we work, in the areas that we go out –  we can show this love.

You don’t even have to call it Godly love ( I will, but you may not share my faith), call it humanity or compassion or care. Christians do not have a monopoly on this and if we did we certainly wouldn’t want to keep to ourselves – we want to share it with everyone and help to ensure victims are cared for and that atrocities don’t happen.

Let us all try and live by the words of Martin Luther King,

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.


Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected this week.




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