Category Archives: Advent

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Advent 17


I wish people would stop trying to hide Jesus, moreover I wish we would stop trying to put Jesus  into perspective!!

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remember to breathe


As we enter the time of year we celebrate the birth of the Christ child, don’t forget to breathe.
It is a time for reflection and contemplation, enjoy the celebration, but remember what it is we celebrate.

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Advent 16

This reminds me of the story of the three pigs, in their struggle against those oppressing them, a fox.
In their futile attempts to prevent the fox from enjoying the delights of pork chops, pork belly and all the other delicious cuts of pork, they built a house of straw.
You get the picture, anyhow enough of pigs and foxes.
Straw is not exactly the most comfortable material to sleep on, nor is it fitting for a king, even a newborn King to sleep on!
But then Jesus was different and straw seems most appropriate.
He came in weakness, as a baby, grew into a man, who disappointed most of the religious leaders of the day and made friends with the dodgy side of town, and this my friends was the ‘last straw’ for the religious leaders!!

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Advent 15

(part 2)

JOY , some will say  Jesus, first, Others second and Yourself last.
Not sure of that myself, JOY, seems to have the idea of  ….well joy.

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Advent 15


is one of those things which if we strive to have it seems eludes us.
In the book Surprised by Joy C.S Lewis contends we are made for joy but it slips through our hands.

Joy is something we may not attain by trying to get,

rather something we have even in the difficult times of life, which is linked to Hope??

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Category:#AdventWordWall,Advent,Jim Barr

Gold is what we give to people to say they are special. We make weddings rings out of it. They used to make watches out of it to give as retirement gifts. The daily value of it is even a part of the news.
But to give it to an infant?  Gold is a ‘for all of life’ gift (marriage) or ‘for the rest of your life’ gift (retirement) – hardly appropriate for a baby.

Unless, of course, all of the baby’s life is itself a gift …

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Category:#AdventWordWall,Advent,Jim Barr

We do the strangest things with stars. We watch them on the screen and follow their antics in trashy magazines and TV panel shows. We write names on them and cement them into boulevards. We assemble them into rating systems so that three, four or five of them together means something about what we might expect in life.

Yet God has given us millions of them, every night, just hovering above us and there to see if we’d only look up. Just imagine what might happen if we really saw and understood the meaning of just one of them …..

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Category:#AdventWordWall,Advent,Jim Barr

Wikipedia on Hotel Ratings: Hotel ratings are often used to classify hotels according to their quality … Many have a system involving stars, with a greater number of stars indicating greater luxury. … Food services, entertainment, view, room variations such as size and additional amenities, spas and fitness centers, ease of access and location may be considered in establishing a standard. … Some hotels have been advertised as seven star hotels. The Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai was opened in 1998 with a servant for every room …

Matt 2.10: the only time in history people were overjoyed with a one star rating of the hotel.

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Category:#AdventWordWall,Advent,Jim Barr

Advent 11

We go looking for Love in the strangest places, and it makes us do the weirdest things, but it’s not often that we find it. Not really. 

Perhaps love – true Love – has to find us …. and then it doesn’t seem weird or strange at all.

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Advent 10

Personally, I am a great believer in socks. Everybody needs socks and they do wear out. They do get holey, but rarely Holy and thus are easily and painlessly discarded. Socks are the perfect gift: practical, as colourful as you care to make them, easy to fit (you can always get someone’s shoe size close enough for a sock) and always appreciated.

What were the Wise Men thinking?